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- A win for both parties, say Rolf Kinck and Morten Aasen (on the left in the picture) from Trainor and Kristian Eftedal and Trond Jacobsen from IKM Instruktek. Photo: Heidi S. Middleton
- A win for both parties, say Rolf Kinck and Morten Aasen (on the left in the picture) from Trainor and Kristian Eftedal and Trond Jacobsen from IKM Instruktek. Photo: Heidi S. Middleton

Press release -

New collaboration with IKM Instrutek

Trainor and IKM Instrutek collaborate on certification for Electrothermography Level - 1.

- IKM Instrutek is a significant company in Norway, and it is a great recognition that they choose us as a supplier of training services, says Rolf Kinck, Senior Key Account Manager at Trainor.

As one of the largest suppliers of measuring instruments and automation products, IKM Instrutek is a significant player in sectors such as electro, industrial, maritime and oil/gas.

- The collaboration with Trainor makes IKM Instrutek a complete supplier within the Electro Thermography segment, as IKM Instrutek supplies IR cameras and Trainor contributes with certification courses in Electrothermography Level 1, says Trond Jacobsen, General Manager of IKM Instrutek , adding:

- This way, we will be able to offer an affordable and flexible package solution that will benefit the customer.

- Trainor has had a great dialogue with IKM Instrutek for many years, and we are pleased to formalize a collaboration. We are proud to be the training partner of one of the largest players in the Norwegian market, says Rolf Kinck in Trainor

About IKM Instrutek

IKM Instrutek is a company with expertise in process, test and measuring instruments, navigation, communication, and condition control. The company supplies products and services to the industrial, shipping, offshore and the public sector. IKM Instrutek is part of the IKM group.

About Trainor

Trainor is an international edTech company that delivers high-quality training in electrical safety and Ex-safety to electro, energy, offshore and land-based industries worldwide.

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Trainor is an internationally recognized EdTech company setting new standards for safety training. We provide training services, digital solutions and technical consultancy services to offshore, maritime and land-based industries worldwide.


Eva Nordskog

Eva Nordskog

Press contact Head of Communications, HR and ESG. +47 90875544
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Trainor and IKM Instrutek, conclusion of agreement
Trainor and IKM Instrutek, conclusion of agreement
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Committed to safety

Trainor is an internationally recognized company setting new standards for safety training. Based in Norway, we provide training services, digital solutions and technical consultancy services to offshore, maritime and land-based industries worldwide.

For more than 30 years we have trained professionals domestically and abroad, offshore and onshore.
And we were among the very first players in the market when we launched our first e-learning course in 1996. Since then, traditional and digital education have gone hand in hand, and we have developed digital training solutions that meet the needs of a broad energy industry.

We work closely with authorities and industry organizations to ensure the safety of the individual workplace, and take pride in delivering courses which are always professionally updated and well communicated in a user-friendly platform. Always committed to safety.

Trainor is part of Apave Group.


Kjelleveien 21, Tønsberg, Norway
3126 Tønsberg