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Brand new e-learning course for those of you working in potentially explosive atmospeheres. Illustration: Trainor
Brand new e-learning course for those of you working in potentially explosive atmospeheres. Illustration: Trainor

Press release -


These days, the professional training company, Trainor, launches the course Safe Behaviour in hazardous areas. “We want to create a comprehensive learning experience” says Kåre Vegar Sund and Sverre Isaksen, respectively Team Leader E-learning and Senior Instructor.

Many more than electrical personnel work in hazardous areas, with potential explosive atmosphere due to flammable gas, vapour, mist or dust. What they all have in common is that they must be able to document adequate training in explosion protection. Trainor’s new course, developed with gaming technology, uses 3D graphics and cinematic tools to convey explosion theory, risk assessment, storytelling and preventative measures in a real-world and modern educational way.

Design for non-electrical personnel

The course is developed in collaboration with a reference group from the industry itself and is suitable for both onshore and offshore industry. The main target group is non-electrical personnel who must have access to or carry out work in areas that are potentially explosive, such as an oil platform, processing plant, refinery, distillery, tanker, silo, gas station or anyplace that may present an explosive atmosphere due to gas, liquid or dust.

Regulatory Compliance

For anyone who is to work in an area that is classified as hazardous, the law usually requires that you have training in hazards that can occur in such areas, and how to perform your work safely. 

In Europe requirements for training for all personnel working in hazardous areas is described in Directive 1999/92/EC of the European Parliament, Annex II, Article 1.1, and is implemented in national regulations in each member state of EU or EEC.

The course Safe behaviour in hazardous areas provides theoretical introduction with tasks along the way. Course certificates are given after passing the final test and are valid documentation of completed training according to the requirements. The course lasts for 45 minutes and can be completed on PC, tablet or mobile.

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Trainor is an international specialist company offering training, consultancy services and hire of qualified personnel within the areas of electrical safety, automation and processes within the oil and gas sector.


Sverre Isaksen

Sverre Isaksen

Seniorinstruktør og produktansvarlig Ex Ex-kurs, Ex-forum +47 984 ­30 ­869

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Committed to safety

Trainor is an internationally recognized company setting new standards for safety training. Based in Norway, we provide training services, digital solutions and technical consultancy services to offshore, maritime and land-based industries worldwide.

For more than 30 years we have trained professionals domestically and abroad, offshore and onshore.
And we were among the very first players in the market when we launched our first e-learning course in 1996. Since then, traditional and digital education have gone hand in hand, and we have developed digital training solutions that meet the needs of a broad energy industry.

We work closely with authorities and industry organizations to ensure the safety of the individual workplace, and take pride in delivering courses which are always professionally updated and well communicated in a user-friendly platform. Always committed to safety.


Kjelleveien 21, Tønsberg, Norway
3126 Tønsberg