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VR demonstration: Kåre Vegar Sund from Trainor demonstrates VR in Trainor VR studio.
VR demonstration: Kåre Vegar Sund from Trainor demonstrates VR in Trainor VR studio.

Press release -

Norwegian e-learning and VR-solutions highly relevant in South Korean market

After attending Nor-Shipping Exhibition in Oslo, the delegation of 18  representatives from Koshipa, Dino Lab and various universities in South Korea, visited the Trainor headquarter in Tønsberg, to take their digital solutions into closer inspection.

Koshipa is an interest organization that coordinates and offers training and systems for the major shipyards in Korea; Huyndai, Samsung and DSME (Daewo). Dino lab is their partner, and together they brought 13 students from various Korean universities to attend Norshipping and learn about e-learning and digital solutions from Trainor.

- Koshipa is one of our biggest clients in Korea, explains Managing Director Einar Thorén in Trainor. - From our office in Busan we provide training and certification of personnel according to IECEx CoPC. The fact that the delegation wanted to visit Trainor's headquarters to look at e-learning solutions and the newest VR training, the Tønsberg company sees as a declaration of trust and opportunity: - Trainor is about to offer modern e-learning in the Korean market. To be known and trusted by companies like Koshipa is a strength for this venture. The Korean companies are eager to use new technology in safety training, and we look forward to deliver the best training possible, says Thorén.



Trainor is an international specialist company offering training, consultancy services and hire of qualified personnel within the areas of electrical safety, automation and processes within the oil and gas sector.


Eva Nordskog

Eva Nordskog

Press contact Head of Communications, HR and ESG Communications, PR/Media +4790875544 LinkedIn

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Committed to safety

Trainor is an internationally recognized company setting new standards for safety training. Based in Norway, we provide training services, digital solutions and technical consultancy services to offshore, maritime and land-based industries worldwide.

For more than 30 years we have trained professionals domestically and abroad, offshore and onshore.
And we were among the very first players in the market when we launched our first e-learning course in 1996. Since then, traditional and digital education have gone hand in hand, and we have developed digital training solutions that meet the needs of a broad energy industry.

We work closely with authorities and industry organizations to ensure the safety of the individual workplace, and take pride in delivering courses which are always professionally updated and well communicated in a user-friendly platform. Always committed to safety.


Kjelleveien 21, Tønsberg, Norway
3126 Tønsberg